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Welcome to Ear Clear

Your Trusted Audiologist for Ear Health

If you have any questions, concerns, or if you simply want to connect with us, we're here for you.

Feel free to reach out through the following Locations:


Wellness Pharmacy 31 Finlayson Street Fraserburgh AB43 9JQ Ph: 01346 513395 Book Appointment


2nd Friday & 4th Saturday
Webster’s Pharmacy
7-9 Queen Street
Peterhead – AB42 1TN
Ph:01779 874003

Book Appointment


3rd Saturday Websters Pharmacy, 4 Hilton Drive, Aberdeen AB24 4NU Book Appointment


1st & 3rd Friday Wallace Practice 12 Seafield Rd, Aberdeen AB15 7YT Book Appointment


Ear pain, itchiness, or discomfort (like a blocked feeling in the ears), hearing problems

Some people are prone to produce too much earwax. Still, excess wax doesn’t automatically lead to blockage. In fact, the most common cause of earwax blockage is at-home removal.

Using cotton swabs, bobby pins, or other objects in your ear canal can also push wax deeper, creating a blockage.

Signs and symptoms of earwax blockage may include:

  • Earache
  • Feeling of fullness in the affected ear
  • Ringing or noises in the ear (tinnitus)
  • Decreased hearing in the affected ear
  • Dizziness
  • Cough
If earwax buildup is a recurring problem, your doctor may recommend that you use a wax-removal medication. Our doctor can remove excess wax using microsuction while inspecting the ear.


The Downsides of Earwax: Exploring the Potential Disadvantages and Managing Earwax-related Issues

Having excessive earwax can lead to a range of issues that may affect our hearing and overall ear health. It’s

The Risks and Consequences of Finger-Driven Ear Cleaning: Understanding the Potential Harm and Safe Alternatives

Finger-driven ear cleaning can seem like a quick and convenient solution, but it comes with risks that are often underestimated.

Earwax Management: A Personalized Approach to Frequency and Methods of Removal

Earwax management is often overlooked, yet it plays a crucial role in maintaining ear health and overall well-being. The frequency

For more information or to book an appointment for expert ear wax removal services in the UK, please contact us at 07503901147 or visit our website at www.ear-clear.co.uk. Ear Clear Clinic is committed to providing safe, efficient, and expert solutions for ear wax removal across the UK.